
A few words about privacy while you are browsing this website. uses the free analytics tool Piwik to generate statistics of the website's usage. The collected data will not be disclosed to third parties. In these statistics you strictly show up anonymously because your IP address will be masked to protect your privacy. respects the "Do not Track" header! If you want to disagree on evaluating and storing of this statistic data according to § 15 Abs. 3 TMG, simply activate the corresponding setting in your web browser.

So as not to show you the cookie warning on every visit, but once only, your browser's local storage is used to remember that you already have seen the hint.

For further statistics uses the webserver's log files in which all requests to the website are logged. These contain who (IP address) did request what (requested URL), when (date and time), as well as the Useragent and Referrer headers if your web browser sends them.

Here are no hidden scripts from Facebook or Google, collecting data and chasing you across the internet! :-)